Project Outcomes 2014-2020

With many of the projects funded by the NPA 2014-2020 coming to a close, it is time to show what these years of cooperation have brought to the regions who participated in the NPA projects.

A series called: Maps of results - Discover the achievements of the NPA projects, features the stories of the people who, having in a way or another participated to an NPA project, found it beneficial for their community, their business or for themselves.

One map after the other, let the People of the North guide you through this journey across the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme!


Previous work on the outcomes of the projects

In January 2019 a team of experts delivered an impact evaluation report of the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme 2014-2020. The aim of the report was to assess the contribution of the projects to the objectives of the programme. The evaluators’ comprehensive approach consisted in combining desk work with more hands-on information, such as case studies and interviews with projects. The team also looked back at the achievements from the NPP 2007-2013 programming period and measured the extent to which project impacts were felt beyond the funded period. The results of the evaluation are summarised in the Final Report. Specific information about the transnational added value of the NPA and cooperation in the Arctic were also prepared.

The evaluation report and its annexes are available in the list of downloads.

During 2014, an evaluation took place of the outcomes of the previous programme, the Northern Periphery Programme 2007-2013. The conclusions were published in a report entitled Achievements. The publication is available in the list of downloads.

For further information about the Northern Periphery Programme 2007-2013, please contact the Secretariat.